About Me

Hello, my name is Audra and I am a certified family nurse practitioner and Co-Founder of  Keto Prescribed.  I have a passion for helping others transform to the healthy lifestyle they have always dream of without sacrificing money, time and taste.

After experiencing my own health challenges I wanted to discover a sustainable healthy lifestyle that is easy, does not require me to be a master chef and can fit into my busy schedule as a nurse. I tried several different diets and exercise plans and starvation techniques that did not seem to fit right or put me in a constant “HANGRY” state.  Finally, because I saw the amazing results my brother had eating ketogenic I decided to take a second look and explore more about the ketogenic diet. The more I educated myself and ate keto I realized that a ketogenic lifestyle is an easy, sustainable, healthy lifestyle for me.  My brother became my Keto Hero!

Now, I want to be a Keto Hero to others who like me are looking for sustainable lifestyle change rather than a quick-fix diet. I want to encourage you to invest the time working with your healthcare team and learning and educating yourself about good health. Start taking steps towards creating your unique healthy lifestyle. I am grateful to have taken the time to learn about ketogenic eating, because if I had not seen keto work for my brother I would still be frustrated trying every diet and exercise program on the planet.

Let me encourage you…I am not a cook by any means.. thank God for moms!!!  All the more reason why I truly enjoy eating keto. I can find simple 5 ingredient or less recipies and almost anywhere I go out to eat I can ‘ keep it keto’.  I have  had amazing results adapting ketogenic eating to fit my life and my client’s busy lifestyles. For this reason I am excited to share my keto success strategies with you. Become an insider today and come along with me and many other Keto Heroes as we transform the world into a healthier, happier place together!

# speaking events

# of states I've visited

# of keto cookies I can eat on my own

% of time I fail at cooking

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